Another day-- filled with seals and dolphins - Reisverslag uit Greyton, Zuid-Afrika van Ciaran Helmink - Another day-- filled with seals and dolphins - Reisverslag uit Greyton, Zuid-Afrika van Ciaran Helmink -

Another day-- filled with seals and dolphins

Door: Ciaran Helmink

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Ciaran

10 Maart 2016 | Zuid-Afrika, Greyton

I have not written anything on this blog for way to long. Today, I was off early, so I decided to dig up some old memories, that may or may not include seals and Dolphins. Tons and tons of Dolphins.

'Dyer island' was al it said on the programme. We rarely ever had Wi-Fi, so no-one of us could look up what it was all about. When we arrived, we were, to say the least, pleasently surprised. Apparently, Dyer Island was not any Island, but an Island filles with seals. We watched the overly-long instructional video, and went to the boat. It wasn't even 5 minutes before we had encounterd Dolphins. Usually, Dolphins tend to be extremely shy. These ones were exceptionally happy to see us. They swam around the boat for about 15-20 minutes before deciding they'd seen enough of us.

(Literal) FAST forward to Dyer Island. When we arrived at this seal-filled piece of land in the ocean, the first thing that was clearly noticable, was the unbearable smell. The seals did not seem to mind though, and they continued to make all sorts of strange noises that could easily be mistaken for that of a little lamb (multiplied by a 1000).

We went back to the harbour, and got something to eat back at the Oganisation's 'club house'.

That afternoon, we went to a beach close to the place we had the boat trip. The wind was quite strong that day, which made for amazing waves. Combine that with a flattering scenery, and you have a near-perfect beach setting. It almost felt as though I was in an actual film.

The teachers had often joked about giving us a surprise, and hinted at it multiple times that day. Many people thought this'd be the day of the surprise. And; they were right. We drove to a nearby town called Greyton (I think you can see it on the little map down here), and we had dinner there. The restaurant served square-shaped pizza's (which was kind of odd, but it did not really make too much of a difference). The food was great, and we all had an amazing day.

Check back later for more adventures.

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Hello! My name is Ciaran Helmink, and this is my travel blog! Enjoy your stay!

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24 Januari 2016 - 31 December 2016

Reis Zuid-Afrika

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